Gratitude and Thanksgiving are two words that specifically resonate with me as we close out this year. Reflecting on another year of extraordinary adventure, challenges and expansion in 2021, my prediction of cautious optimism for the year seems to have rung true.

I am especially proud of the major transitions we have made together. Our community has shown incredible resilience, innovation, and flexibility.
Instead of scaling back in 2021, we have managed to continue our growth strategy in our acquisition of not only new clients but also a total validation of the powerful culture inherent in DLK. This culture is based on the basic principles of building client trust and respect, driving for results, and managing and accelerating digital transformation. I am especially proud of the major transitions we have made together. Our community has shown incredible resilience, innovation, and flexibility.

To our talented group of employees, thank you for the hard yards that you have put in for the organisation this year, you have helped us provide award-winning services to our clients.
I must firstly thank our awesome clients for staying on the journey with us. A special welcome also to the many new clients with whom we have had the pleasure of working, your patience, excitement and energy-matter to us. Your contribution and enthusiasm inspire us. Then to our talented group of employees, thank you for the hard yards that you have put in for the organisation this year, you have helped us provide award-winning services to our clients.
We hope that your year has been filled with highlights and good health— and that you will find some time to relax and reflect.
While challenges and uncertainties still persist, it can feel daunting to set goals and plan for a new year when 2021 has been such a uniquely tumultuous one.
Despite the enormous and unimaginable loss of life and livelihood many have endured this year, there is light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, And while so much has changed over the past year, this global disruption presents an opportunity to take a step back and reflect on lessons learned.

Change is a constant, transform on your terms
The pace of change is getting faster, and the need to transform getting more important. But with the pandemic, businesses were taken to the same baseline. Businesses need the foundations in place to be agile and responsible to customer demands and prepare for future disruption

Appreciate the moment
The world has changed forever and whilst we are all yearning for a return to “normality” let’s not forget the valuable lessons learned and the adjustments we’ve been able to make along the way
For all the challenges that working from home and home-schooling provided, we did spend more time together. For some, with very young families it was a precious year, with parents able to experience first steps, words and experiences that would otherwise have been missed. For all those who have bemoaned the weight gain, there are others that have been able to engage in fitness and wellbeing, as individuals try to find a new rhythm, meaning, and balance in their lives. The world has changed forever and whilst we are all yearning for a return to “normality” let’s not forget the valuable lessons learned and the adjustments we’ve been able to make along the way, largely as a result of human creativity and digital transformation
Thank you again for your support and partnership. Here’s to a wonderful final chapter of this year and a successful 2022!

Blessed Festive Season to all!
- Leon Hendricks Managing Director: DLK Group
Well Said Leon,Yes this year 2021 has truly been tumultuous in many ways for all, but as the prophetic saying relates"IN ALL ADVERSITY, THERE IS ALSO EASE, as the struggle through the adversity, just makes one stronger for future challenges, so we can overcome them with much greater ease...through GOD's MERCY. Amen.